Exhibition Information

The Story of King Sejong

01 Recommended Admission Course
Map of Sejong
02 Overview of Exhibition
  • Human Sejong

    A space that introduces the conquest of Tsushima and Yi Man-ju’s conquest, and the pioneering of the 4th squad, troop 6, involving the onstruction and firing of cannons during the Sejong period.

  •  Ideology Focused on the People

    A space that features composite videos that highlight King Sejong’s philosophy of love for his fellow man.

  • Invention of Hangeul

    A space that features composite videos that highlight King Sejong’s philosophy of love for his fellow man.

  • Science & Art

    This space introduces King Sejong’s scientific and artistic achievements and allows you to listen to detailed explanations about the sundial and an astronomical chart. It also allows you to experience the diverse musical instruments created

  • Military Policy

    A space that introduces King Sejong’s birthplace, familial ties, character, and hobbies. Here, one can chart the course of Sejong’s life.

  • Hangeul Gallery

    A exhibition space that showcases the work of modern artists who use Hangeul as a subject matter.

  • Hangeul Library

    A relaxing area where one can read about diverse subjects and not just King Sejong and Admiral Yi Sunshin.

03 Visitors and exhibition viewing time
Visitors and exhibition viewing time
Category general visitors foreigners students and experts
Permanent exhibition 40 min 60 min 60 min
in-depth studying exhibition

view planned exhibition hall
and video material at the
Hanbit resting place

40 min 80 min 90 min